Aviation For Disaster Relief And Community Empowerment

To be the leading force in aviation-based disaster response, empowering communities through immediate relief, preparedness training, and sustainable recovery efforts.

Our Story

In September and October of 2017 Hurricanes Irma and Maria caused massive devastation in the U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and many other areas of the Caribbean. A former St. Croix, U.S.V.I. resident and pilot, Jennifer Lockwood, wanted to help.

Jennifer partnered with Bill Auer from St. Pete Air, John Glasscock from the Glasscock Family Foundation and April Gillmore to create an innovative disaster relief mission utilizing small aircraft to serve U.S.V.I and Puerto Rico with immediate aid. From that mission a new venture focused on providing humanitarian aid and disaster relief with the use of aviation was formed – Sol Relief, Inc.

Since 2018 Sol Relief has successfully flown more than 400 relief flights and the board has grown to a group of seven dedicated professionals focused on continuing the organization’s success.
Jen USVI Response

Our Work

Sol Relief has responded in the wake of 9 hurricanes and an earthquake. We serve the Southeast United States and the Caribbean.
Loading PC-12Pilatus PC-12
Bahamas Dorian SurvivorsSol Relief In Bahamas After Dorian
Destruction From DorianSol Relief Being Interviewed
Sol Volunteers In HangarBahamas After Dorian Flooding

Our Focus

Sol Relief envisions a world where all communities receive immediate, useful aid following disasters and the support and resources necessary to sustain recovery long after their immediate needs are met.

Empowered By Our Partnerships

2023 Annual Report

2023 was another productive and successful year for Sol Relief. Our disaster responses were more efficient than ever and we continue making major impacts in the areas we serve. Click the button below to download our 2023 Annual Report.
Download Sol Relief's 2023 Annual Report
Sol Relief Annual Report 2023

Get Involved

From ground volunteers and corporate donors to volunteer pilots and individual donors, we depend on our supporters to accomplish our mission.
Sol Relief
To provide immediate, efficient, and effective disaster relief via our aviation network in collaboration with partner organizations. To empower communities through education and sustainable efforts that support long-term recovery and resiliency.
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